Promotion to higher classes is given on the basis of the year’s average performance and not merely on marks scored in the final examination. There will be 3 Mid-Term and 3 Term examinations and the final examination in a year. The marks of all the foresaid examination will be taken into account in deciding the final promotion result. To pass in a subject the students should secure 40% of the maximum marks. Students absent from the examinations for any reason will not be re-examined. If a pupil is not able to appear for the whole or part of examination for a valid and accepted reason, his/her case will be considered on the strength of the year’s record. If a child uses unfair means in any examination he/she will not be allowed to appear for the remaining subjects under any circumstance. The result declared at the end of the year is final and cannot be reconsidered. Final examination answer sheets will not be shown to anybody. Parents/Guardians are not expected to dictate terms to the school authorities regarding their child’s promotion or detention which is decided on the merit of the performance of the child.