Clouds playing like lambs in the pastures of the sky never keep their treasures of moisture to themselves but pour them out in the beautiful benediction of rain to a thirsty earth. No drop of water leads a selfish life. This is the nobility of an educator willing to extend her share of knowledge with a fire like beacon summoning students to a finer and better world. Anita Public School prepares the pupils to set out for exploration in to unchartered horizons of human possibilities with good morale. Education today suffers a buoyancy as it needs tremendous pressure to balance itself in the era of technology and electronic gadgets. Students are enabled to moderate the excessive influence of intellectual inertia to give space for creative sprouts. By and large education is to keep them focused, disciplined, and functional, leading them towards building of career in the future.
Career will make their life easier and comfortable. It makes improvisation redundant. The accumulated wisdom of generations remains only a property of mind and it provides direction and meaning to individuals through quality education.Finally cruising along life in a world class suits, they add a new dimension to the word ‘education’. Anita Public School is ever ready and vigilant to place the children transparent to the colours of life, knowing to acknowledge and appreciate the talents of the fellow students, find expression for their innovation and creativity by drinking the vast expanse of knowledge. I believe that Anitan’s will definitely move a step ahead depending on the mercy of God, because it is precisely for them that the show still goes on in the premises of Anita Public School.